National Conf. on ‘Unpacking 12th plan’ for Minorities’ on Mar 17 in Lucknow

07:42AM Sun 17 Mar, 2013

Lucknow - A National Conference on the topic of “Unpacking the 12th Plan (Minorities Chapter)” on March 17 (Sunday) is going to be organized here in Lucknow in the Ganna Sansthan auditorium in Dali Bagh from 10.30 am onwards. Dr. Maulana Saeed-ur-Rehman Azmi Nadvi, Principal of world renowned seminary Nadwatul Ulama, Lucknow will preside over the National Conference. The key note Address will be delivered by Maulana Mohammad Fazlur Rahim Mujaddidi, chairman of SEE (Strive for Eminence & Empowerment). Union External Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid will be the chief guest at the conference, while Union Minister for HRD Pallam Raju; Dr. (Mrs) Syeda Hameed, Member of Planning Commission of India; Dr. (Mrs.) Rita Bahuguna Joshi, ex-president Uttar Pradesh Congress Committee, (UPCC); Rajesh Pati Tripathi, vice-president UPCC; Zafar Ali Naqvi, member of Parliament; and Dr. Mohammad Muslim, MLA, shall be guests of honour on the occasion. The conference would be webcast live from 12 O’clock onwards on Sunday till the end at & Maulana Mohammad Fazlur Rahim Mujaddidi, the brain behind the conference, is worried as to why the welfare schemes for minorities, starting from Delhi, do not reach up to the villages, blocks and towns. This Conference is an effort to deeply comprehend this problem and to find a way out so that the objective of these schemh es may be fulfilled in letter and spirit, he hoped. Maulana Mujaddidi, who is also Rector of Jaipur-based Jamea-tul-Hidaya, said that after the 60 years of Independence, huge socio-economic gaps are visible among different regions, castes and communities. The socio-economic development policy ignored the Muslims most, while the historically deprived SCs/STs under constitutional safeguard were on the highest priority. The system forced the Muslims to concentrate more on sentimental issues, leaving the socio-economic development aside, while the others mainly concentrated on it. The net result of this complex situation was clearly reflected in Sachar Committee, Justice Rangnath Mishra Commission and other reports. The Muslims are now below the SCs strata and rubbing their shoulders to maintain socio-economic parameters with STs.
The UPA Government in its first stint after the Sachar Committee report promulgated the PM’s New 15-Point Program for the educational and economic upliftment of Muslims. The 11th FYP, for the first time, made a concerted effort to reverse some of the trends that plagued the minorities in general and Muslims in particular. These positive policy instruments showed desirable results in a short period of time, and raised the expectations of various communities across the board. However, there were teething problems in implementation and it is expected that the stumbling blocks and flaws experienced in this Plan would be fully taken care of, so that they may not be replicated in the ongoing Five Year Plan, the Maulana opined.
Maulana Mujaddidi said that the 12th Five year Plan (2012-17) has been approved by the National Development Council, (NDC), in December 2012. The approach of the Plan (Minority Chapter) is excellent as most of the demands have been fulfilled, however the allocation is less than the expectations. The 12th Plan has announced some very effective Schemes on Educational Infrastructure for Minorities. It is up to the community to force the system and the government for its holistic implementation.
Meanwhile, a concept note on the topic of the conference said that several consultations were held at the Minority Affairs Ministry, the Planning Commission and elsewhere since 2010. While formulating the 12th Five Year Plan the aim was to hold the discussions in detail, keeping in view the larger political and cultural context of the times that we are living in. The consultations also underlined the aspirations of the country. Some of the concerns that the consultations brought out included: Feeling of Insecurity; Education; Employment; Health; Civic Amenities; Women Empowerment; Bank Loans and Financial Assistance; Participations in Democratic and Political Processes; Profiling, Monitoring, etc.
Since India’s Independence, ten (10) Five Year Plans have passed away into darkness. Neither the Government nor the community took substantial interest in the issue of Muslims. The 11th Five Year Plan (2007-2012) remained in discussions among the community, but without looking for an opportunity to avail.
There have been teething problems in the implementation of the Welfare Schemes. Lack of transparency, lousy procedures & guide lines, corruption and lack of initiative by the Community itself, are blocking needy people to get the benefits of Welfare Schemes.
Muslims must partake of their citizenship rights, and enjoy the fruits of development, like all other groups. The rights of Muslims to equal opportunity and equal access to all public goods and services must not be hampered by the bias and prejudice in the hearts and minds of those who implement these schemes, the Concept Note stated.