My success is due to prayers of poor people: Mankal Vaidya

12:09PM Sun 12 May, 2013

10th May 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: "My success is due to God's blessings and prayers of poor people and with their cooperation and service only I have got this opportunity to serve people." This thought was expressed by Mankal Vaidya, an independent candidate who won the recent assembly elections from Bhatal constituency with a huge margin, in a press conference held at his home. He said that previously he was elected twice for district panchayat and in that too he received full cooperation from people and they only are behind his win in assembly elections. He expressed eagerness to work for the benefit of the region and said that he will specifically work hard for the betterment of poor and downtrodden. In the end, he conveyed the message to the public that his doors are always open for them and they can anytime approach him with their complaints. On this occasion, Working Journalist Association of Bhatkal presented him with a garland to congratulate him. mankal-vaidya-press-meet-2