Moulana Sajjad Naumani Addresses Outgoing Students of Jamia

10:24PM Fri 1 Feb, 2013

lajnatul-arabiyah-1 BHATKAL: ‘Avoid Differences and uphold Unity. Beware of divide and rule policy of anti Islamic forces’, advised Hazrat Moulana Sajjad Naumani while addressing the outgoing students of Jamia Islamia at a special program held here at Conference Hall of Jamia Islamia Bhatkal. He said our Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has predicted every mischief which will appear before Qiyamah and solution for all such mischievousness.  He said, the West is putting all its energy in breaking our unity through entertainment, fashion, luxury and they have almost succeeded in their attempt. This is the main reason Muslims are not united and facing problems everywhere. On this occasion Hazrath Moulana appealed everyone to work positively for the publicity of religion and don’t forget your goal by involving in unnecessary discussions and silly differences. Moulana’s full speech is available at our audio site, Bhatkallys New Service / Rizwan Gangavali