Misbah's audacious feat, catches 3 cobras in a day

03:30PM Tue 27 Aug, 2013

26 Aug 2013 / Bhatkal Bureau / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Misbah-ul-Haq, the man famous for catching venomous snakes and pythons, caught three cobras yesterday from three different places in and around Bhatkal and handed over them to forest department officials. The first Cobra was captured from the kitchen room of a house at Tenginagundi, second was caught from a poultry farm at Sabti on Sagar Road and the third was caught from the store room of Jalaluddin Kasargod's house in Usman Nagar. These snakes were caught by Misbah and his partner Syed Waseem and were safely handed over to forest department officials. cobras6 cobras5 cobras3 cobras2 cobras7