Milli Council organizes national convention on ‘movement for justice’ in Delhi

02:07PM Sat 6 Apr, 2013

miili council functionNew Delhi: All India Milli Council (AIMC) today organized a huge rally at Delhi’s Ramlila Ground for its demand of ‘justice and fair play.’ SAM_0698The same old demands for reconstruction of Babri mosque, proper implementation of minority welfare schemes, justice for the riot victims, repealing draconian laws like UAPA, time bound trial of Muslim youths arrested on charges of terror, compensation for those youths who were falsely arrested and have now acquitted from courts, and above all equitable share in budgetary allocations echoed from the stage. An old man sitting in the crowd at ramlila Ground, holding the placard that reads, 'Stop scaring Muslims.' About 50 speakers, comprising of Muslim intellectuals, academicians, advocates, political leaders, clerics, etc from all over the country had assembled to demand in unison. Representatives from Dalits, Sikh, Christians and tribal organizations also attended the programme. [caption id="attachment_30411" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Justice Rajinder sachar Justice Rajinder sachar[/caption] SAM_0711 Dr Mohammad Manzoor Alam, General Secretary of the AIMC, spoke on the “Quest for equality, equity and justice.” Highlighting the ‘requisites for realization’, he said, “Muslims are the most deprived among the Indian society (and) lack of representation of Muslims in the Parliament is the stark symbol of the failure of Indian society to provide justice to Indian Muslims.” Abu Asim Azmi speaking at the 'movement for justice' convention. The issues facing the community are known, he said. These are social and educational backwardness, political and economic deprivation, attacks on the identity and culture, discrimination in almost every sphere of life, communal violence and targeting of youth on false terror charges. He, however, agreed that the community itself needs to exert pressure to “put its own house in order and strive for empowerment.” Several non-Muslim represnetives were also present at the convention. Here Swami Agnivesh addressing the audience. Delivering the keynote address on ‘Fragmented polity,’ Justice AM Ahmadi, Retired Chief Justice of India, said, “The Muslim minority carries a deep feeling that it does not receive equal treatment from the government. The majoritarian bias has over time turned into a strong hatred for the Muslims; in turn Muslims have lost confidence in the majority group.” He added, “With the state agencies adopting partisan approach, it is invariable the minority group that is at the receiving end,” and continued, “what is worrying is the bias that has spread in the police force including the bureaucracy and wherever there is bomb blast the Muslim youth are arrested in the name of belonging to one of the notorious groups without any investigation.” Minority Affairs Minsiter K Rehman Khan listening to the problems of the people, before leaving. Justice Ahmadi suggested to the government to take corrective measures lest it take some ugly turn. “The state must take effective steps to curb the impunity of the fanatics as well as the bias in the police force and the bureaucracy, or else the anger and hatred generated in the victim groups colud manifest itself in some ugly form.” Minority Welfare Minister K Rehman Khan said that the UPA Government is trying to improve the conditions of the Muslims though PM 15 Point Programmes, and urged the community leaders to come forward and suggest ways to further empower the community.” Samajwadi Party leader and MLA in the Maharashtra Assembly Abu Asim Azmi, warned that India is on the verge of becoming a “Hindu nation,” where minorities are being targeted. He remained that while in the Mumbai bomb blast cases culprits are being punished, the same is not the case with the riots that followed the demolition of the Babri Mosque. Speaking on the occasion Swami Agnivesh demanded justice for the victims of the 1984 Sikh riots as well as the number of anti-Muslim riots. He urged the Muslim leaderships to united fight for justice with other marginalized groups like Dalits and to fight for justice in the anti Sikh riot cases. Approximate 20,000 people from several states had assembled for the convention. Maulana Tauqir Raza Khan, President Ittehad-e-Millat Council, exhorted the ‘martyrdom’ of Ziaul Haq, comparing him with Abdul Hamid, who was awarded Param Vir Chakra, posthumously, and said that what demand justice as rightful and proud citizens of this nation. Among several others who were present and spoke on the occasion, included Zafaryab Jilani, Maulana Kalbe Sadiq, father Dominic Emmanuel. - By M. Reyaz,,