Markazi Khalifa Jamatul Muslimeen's Chief Qazi expresses concerns over increasing number of divorces in Bhatkal

02:32PM Sat 30 Oct, 2021

Bhatkal: Chief Qazi of Markazi Khalifa Jamatul Muslimeen Bhatkal, Moulana Khwaja Akrami Madani, has expressed his concerns over the increasing cases of domestic disputes between husband and wife and cases of divorce in the town. Speaking at the annual general meeting on Friday here at the Khalifa masjid, the Qazi said the number of cases of divorces between couples is concerning and urged the community leaders to work towards spreading awareness in this regard. He further added that the mobile phones are playing an important role in destroying the family lives and the relations between a husband and a wife. He was also of the opinion that wives working and earning should not feel entitled to dominate the relationship as it is against the teachings of Islam. He also called upon the husbands to be gentle and caring of the wife and said the husband’s family should treat their daughter-in-laws as their daughters. He also urged people to learn recitation of Quran stating that it is one of the most important conditions of the Islam.