Mankal Vaidya campaigns at Bhatkal Bunder

01:19PM Mon 29 Apr, 2013

29th April 2013/ Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Independent candidate, Mankal Vaidya was campaigning yesterday at Bhatkal Bunder for Assembly elections. While expressing his thoughts on this occasion, he said that he is 100% assured of his victory in the forthcoming elections. He said that, "In order to defeat me, few people have printed matter against me in the newspaper and also distributed copies of it to the public but it will have no effect on me. I will take strict legal action against them." On this occasion, Vasant Kharvi also favoured him and told that issues related to water etc, which people currently face at Bhatkal Bunder will be resolved by Mankal Vaidya.   mankal-bunder-1 mankal-bunder-3