Man accused of raping mentally challenged girl set free in UAE

11:56AM Fri 17 May, 2019

A man charged with raping a mentally challenged girl was released after the Abu Dhabi Criminal Court set him free for lack of evidence. The girl was sexually assaulted more than once by unknown men, the family alleged. They failed to report about the assault when it occurred due to their negligence, Emarat Al Youm reported. According to investigations, the incident took place two months ago when the victim met the defendant outside her family home while she stepped out to throw trash. The accused reportedly told her to get into his car and bought her sweets to lure her to an abandoned house. He then took her to the roof and forced himself on her. He threatened to murder her if she tells anyone about the incident. The forensic report confirmed that the victim had been assaulted, but on a different occasion from the one mentioned in the court. The report also showed that she had been sexually assaulted more than once by different men making it impossible to identify the right accuser. Source: Khaleej Times