Make Ramadan more productive

11:27PM Thu 2 Jun, 2016

Dubai, 02 Jun 2016: BMJ Dubai hosted a public talk on Thursday to welcome Ramadan and inspire people to be more productive during the holy month. Moulvi Nizamuddin Nadwi urged attendees to implement teachings of Holy Quran in their practical lives in order to live a successful life in this world and the hereafter. He said, “Ramadan is wrongly perceived to be a time of less productivity and we as Muslims should feel a responsibility to change this perception. To overcome this mentality we need to schedule our days in the Holy Month, where in we can spend equal time between our prayers and other activities of the day." Earlier during the day, the event started with a recitation from the Holy Quran by Moulvi Ayyub Khateeb. The event concluded with a dua by Moulana Irshad Ali Afrika. BMJD_4 BMJD_1 BMJD_2