Lokpal Bill tabled in Lok Sabha, Team Anna burns copies of draft

01:50PM Thu 4 Aug, 2011

New Delhi - 04 August 2011:Team Annaon Thursday began burning copies of the government's version of theLokpal Billthat was tabled in Parliament today. Team Anna said the symbolic protest would continue till August 16 when GandhianAnna Hazarewill go on fast to protest the exclusion of several recommendations made by civil society members on the bill.

The proposed legislation introduced in the Lok Sabha doesn't cover the Prime Minister within the purview of the ombudsman during his or her term in office. But once the Prime Minister demits the office, he or she may be investigated for any wrongdoing during the term.

It also excludes the judiciary and any action of an MP in Parliament or committee.

"To protest the unilateral, high-handed decision of the government, the copies of the bill will be burnt from today," said civil society member Arvind Kejriwal.

Having both investigation and prosecution powers, the ombudsman once created will have a chairperson and 10 members, half of them judicial.

The institution will be appointed by the president on the recommendation of the selection committee consisting of the Prime Minister, Speaker, leader of the House of which Prime Minister is not member, minister of home affairs, leader of opposition in both Houses, judge of Supreme Court, chief justice of a high court, President ofNational Academy of Science, and cabinet secretary (secretary of committee).

According to the draft bill, the ombudsman will have powers to investigate all corruption cases under the Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988.

It covers MPs, ministers, 'Group A' officers, any 'Group A' officer in a company or body owned by the government, any officer of a society or trust that is financed by the government or gets funds under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 1976 or gets funds from the public.

source: TOI