List of PU courses after Grade 10 (SSLC)
05:06AM Fri 23 May, 2014
Given below are the list of PU Courses that one can pursue after SSLC (Grade 10):
1. PCMB - Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology
2. PCMC - Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Comp.Sc.
3. PCME - Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Electronics
4. PCMG - Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Geology
5. PCBH - Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Home Sc.
6. PCBS - Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Statistics
7. HECA - History, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy
8. GECA - Geography, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy
9. SEBA - Statistics, Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy
10. BEBA - Bus. Maths, Economics, Bus. Studies, Accountancy
11. BSBA - Bus. Maths, Statistics, Bus. Studies, Accountancy
12. CEBA - Comp. Science, Economics, Bus. Studies, Accountancy
13. CSBA - Comp. Science, Statistics, Bus. Studies, Accountancy
14. HESP - History,Economics, Sociology, Political Science
15. HEGP - History,Economics, Geography, Political Science
16. HELP - History,Economics, Logic, Political Science
17. HELS - History,Economics, Logic, Sociology
18. HEPS - History,Economics, Political Science, Psychology
19. HESE - History,Economics, Sociology, Education
20. HESP - History,Economics, Sociology, Psychology
For more details of above courses, jobs & scholarships visit