Kuwaiti charity provides vocational training for Syrian refugees

12:19PM Tue 10 Oct, 2017

ANKARA, Oct 9 (KUNA) -- Kuwait's Al-Salam Humanitarian and Charity Society inaugurated on Monday a factory for tailoring and handicraft works for Syrian women refugees in the town of Sanliurfa in Southeast Turkey. The large building was established and equipped with donations amounting to USD 600,000 from citizens of Kuwait and other GCC countries, said the society general director and chairman, Dr. Nabil Al-Aoun, in a statement at the inauguration ceremony. More than 7,000 female refugees will be either employed or trained at the factory, forecast to produce one million pieces per year, he said. Meanwhile, society's teams visited a school and society for the orphans on the Syrian side of the border, distributing aid. They also went to Suleiman Shah refugee camp to deliver food and clothes. Suleiman Shah Camp is located on Turkish territory, near the southern city of Urfa. It is home to some 30,000-50,000 Syrian refugees. (end)