Kuwait vows ‘to cut the evil hand’

07:58AM Sun 28 Jun, 2015

KUWAIT CITY: Thousands of people took part in a mass funeral procession Saturday for 27 people killed in a suicide bombing that targeted a Shiite mosque a day earlier. Police said they are interrogating a number of suspects with possible links to the suicide bombing, which was claimed by an affiliate of Daesh. An Interior Ministry statement said police arrested the owner of the car that was used by the bomber to drive to the Imam Sadiq Mosque. Police did not say how many suspects are being interrogated. The government helped plan the mass funeral. Thousands of Sunnis and Shiites from across the country took part in the procession and prayer at Kuwait’s Grand Mosque. Many carried the Kuwaiti flag; others a simple black flag to signify mourning. Some in the crowd chanted, “Sunnis and Shiites are brothers!” Kuwait’s Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Sheikh Mohammed Al-Hamad Al-Sabah was quoted by the official Kuwait News Agency describing the bombing as “grotesque” and vowing to “cut the evil hand” that tampers with the country’s security. Two of the victims were Iranian nationals. Iraq’s top Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, extended his condolences to the families of the victims. -Arabnews