Kuwait creates 17,936 jobs for nationals

03:33PM Mon 4 Sep, 2017

Manama: Kuwait’s Civil Service Commission has created 17,936 vacancies for Kuwaiti nationals in the public sector. According to the latest figures, around 22,000 Kuwaitis have signed up with the commission to be recruited in the public sector. Most Kuwaitis opt for government jobs to benefit from the professional security they offer as they cannot be fired unless in extreme cases. They are also attracted by less work pressure, more relaxed timings, fewer working hours and longer holidays. According to government labour statistics released last year, 58 per cent of Kuwaitis refuse to work in the private sector and would rather wait for an opening in the public sector. Recent statistics say that 345,100 Kuwaitis work in the public sector, representing 76.8 per cent of the total Kuwaiti labour force. Despite a robust drive by the government to make the private sector more attractive to Kuwaiti nationals, foreigners continue to overwhelm the sector. According to the commission, 13 vacancies are allocated for jobseekers with PhD degrees, 40 for those with a master’s degrees and 7,334, the highest figure, for those with bachelor degrees. Diploma holders have 5,414 positions while applicants with a high school degree and two-year training have 4,667 and with only one-year training have only three, the commission added. However, there are 374 positions for high school diploma holders with one year training in the private sector. The commission said it had 78 openings for Kuwaitis who hold a high school diploma, but have not had any form of training. Sources told the daily that most of the jobs offered by the commission require rare specialities, certificates and specific expertise. They include medical engineering, microbiology, biochemistry, pharmacy and nursing and technical and musical education. Other offers are reserved for electrical and mechanical technicians. The majority of the available jobs are offered by the ministries of health, interior, works, and electricity and water, the sources added. “Many of the citizens who, especially those with university degrees, tend to avoid many of the positions that have limited remunerations and prefer to be hired by independent authorities with higher perks,” the sources said. Kuwait has a total population of 4,438,000 people, including 1,350,000 Kuwaiti nationals, or 30.5 per cent of total population. Kuwaiti women with 689,000 slightly outnumber the 662,900 Kuwaiti men. Source: GulfNews