Kokti Nagar residents meet Mankal Vaidya

04:21AM Sun 23 Jun, 2013

22nd June 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Residents of Kokti Nagar met Mankal Vaidya at his residence in Murudeshwar and presented to him various issues faced by people in their locality. Speaking on behalf of residents, Nizam Mumgati highlighted the issues that creep forward with the onset of the rainy season especially the lack of drainage lines which cause water-logging on roads thereby causing water to spill over in houses inducing problems for pedestrians and school-going kids. He also complained about electric wires that go over houses and requested that these be relocated. Apart from these, Nizam also discussed the construction of compound wall for Government School and other hassles faced by residents. After listening to all their requests, MLA Mankal Vaidya assured prompt measures on all of the issues. mla-house-visit-01