Knowledge should be gained even if it be from your enemy: Moulana Shakeel Qasmi

03:31PM Sat 24 Aug, 2013

24 Aug 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: "When Prophet Mohammed (SAWS) won the battle of Badr and the prisoners of the enemy came under their possession, he (SAWS) ordered the enemies to educate Muslims as a ransom from them. Even though the Muslims at that time suffered from economic and monetary crisis, he preferred to gain knowledge from them. From this incident, we can judge the importance of education." This thought was expressed by Prof. Moulana Shakeel Qasmi, an Urdu language expert, in Rabita Awards ceremony held in the evening at Anjuman grounds as the key-speaker of the function. He further said that India has implemented the RTE (Right to Education) Act, but in Islam, acquiring knowledge is not just a right but a compulsory and highly recommended act. He further emphasized that we should gain knowledge whether it be religious or worldly keeping the hereafter as our goal as knowledge of both is important. He also shed light on the finding of the Sachar Committee Report and the poor performance of Muslims in the field of education. He expressed grief over the spending habits of Muslims and said that we always seek excuses to spend on education but we spend extravagantly in marriage functions and in stuffs like pan, cigarettes, etc. On this occasion, the moulana praised the efforts of Rabita Society Bhatkal in organizing such programmes that encourages students and uplifts their spirits. In the end, he laid special emphasis on having behavioural traits in our personality. Speaking on the occasion of the function, Rabita Society President SM Syed Khaleel-ur-Rehman said that in the first verse itself revealed by Allaah (SWT) in the Qur'an, Allaah (SWT) emphasized on the importance of gaining education. In the end, he advised the guardians to make their kids like honey bees who work on their own from which others benefit and not to make them like flies who sit on garbage and dirty-up the home. General Secretary Qazia Yunus and Mr. Abdullaah Lanka also expressed their thoughts on this occasion. On this occasion, ex-Secretary Salahuddin Kobatte was felicitated for his services towards Rabita. After Maghrib prayers, meritorious students were presented with Rabita awards. Apart from them three special awards were presented to Dr Hasan Imran s/o Usman Mohatisham, Moulvi Mohammed Saalik Barmawar, and Nasif Ahmed s/o Mohammed Mohiuddin Siddiqui. This year, Usman Hasan Memorial Rolling Shield was awarded to Anjuman Girls High School. The programme concluded at 8 pm with dua by Moulana Shakeel Qasmi. A Mushaira programme was also held after 10 pm in which various performers recited shairis and entertained the audience. rabita-award01   rabita-award02