Khalifa Jamaat holds their annual function

04:18PM Sat 16 Jan, 2016

January 16, 2016 | Correspondent | Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Khalifa Jamaat-ul-Muslimeen Bhatkal held their annual function in Khalifa Masjid immediately after Isha prayers on Friday in which the center’s annual performance and financial report were presented. Expressing his thoughts at the occasion, the organization's Cheif Qazi Maulana Khaja Moinuddin Akrami stressed on the importance of social life and expressed regret on some unlawful activities taking roots in the community. Expressing dismay over the time wasted by youth in the present generation, he said that youth today are increasingly becoming free-minded and in their folly are joining organizations which have nothing to do with Islam. He advised the youth to stay away from such organizations and invest time in development of the community and the nation. On this occasion, Syed Hasan Shikaf presented the key speech while Hashim Mohatisham presented the annual report of the organization's activities. Jailani Siddiqua presented the annual financial report of the organization. - ARF