Karnataka Urdu Academy honors Moulana Ilyas Jakti Nadvi

04:16PM Sat 25 Sep, 2010

Bangalore - Karnataka Urdu Academy organized an award ceremony here at Unika Hall to felicitate the persons who have done extra-ordinary work in the field of Urdu literature and journalism (year 2009). On this occasion among others, Moulana Ilyas Nadvi, President of Moulana Abul Hassan Ali Nadvi Islamic Academy, Bhatkal was awarded for his work in the field of Education. The award was presented by Mr. Chandru, Chairman Kannada Development Authority. The award included Rs. 10,000/- cash, memento, shawl and certificate. Moulana has donated the award money to his educational institution Jamia Islamia Bhatkal.

While expressing his views on the occasion he said, initially I was reluctant to accept the award as I thought Almighty Allah will deny any reward on the day of judgment if I accept reward for whatever good deeds I have done here. But after consulting with my mentor, Moulana Mohammed Rabey Hassani Nadvi, I was convinced to receive this award. Moulana was also praised the kind of freedom of religion and expression available in India for all citizens and its secular image. He also said, we need to eliminate misconception about Islam and Muslims which is there in the minds of our non-muslim brothers.

It may be noted that, Moulana Ilyas Nadvi is actively involved in protection and promotion of religious education in the state for the past 20 years and he has till date authored 18 books in Urdu. His several books have been translated and published in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Gujrathi, Bengali, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, English and other languages.

On this occasion council member and Chairman Mr Nanjundappa, Susheel Kumar G Nimoshi, Chairman MSIL Dr Vikram, Mr V Patil and Chairman Concept Mumbai Mr Avinash Kakde were present on the stage.

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