Karnataka: DCs to take call on easing weekend curfew in districts

11:55AM Sat 11 Sep, 2021

BENGALURU: The state government has authorised deputy commissioners to decide whether the weekend curfew should be lifted in their districts. The Covid-19 positivity rate has fallen below 2 per cent in all districts and Karnataka’s average is only 0.7 per cent. The government, however, has extended curbs such as night curfew and a ban on alcohol being served in pubs till September 27. Restrictions on swimming pools, indoor sports activities and outdoor sports with spectators will continue. Movie halls are allowed to screen shows with 50 per cent occupancy. The guidelines, issued by chief secretary P Ravi Kumar, state that all the restrictions that were imposed till September 13 will continue till September 27. Accordingly, there will be strict surveillance in the districts adjoining Kerala and Maharashtra.   (Source: Times Of India)