Jamia Alumni holds annual function

04:24PM Thu 26 Sep, 2013

26 Sep 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: An annual function of Jamia Alumni was organized today afternoon at Jamia Islamia's conference hall. After the initiation of the programme with Qur'an recitation by Maulana Bahaauddin Nadvi, a welcome speech was presented by Maulana Ansar Khateeb Madni. Thereafter, Maulana Irfan Nadvi read out a detailed report on activities undertaken by Jamia Alumni in the past 2 years. Maulana Maqbool Ahmed Kobatte Nadvi in his presidential speech said that Jamia Alumni provides a platform to unite all alumni of Jamia Islamia and also undertakes various activities. It also helps to create awareness among all the alumni on their responsibilities towards the Muslim community. The programme ended with parting words by programme convenor Maulana Iqbal Naite Nadvi. Apart from them, Maulana Iqbal Mulla Nadvi, Maulana Abdul Bari Fakerdey Nadvi, Maulana Talha Ruknuddin Nadvi were present on the dais. Abnaye-jamia-ijlas-41   Abnaye-jamia-ijlas-2   Abnaye-jamia-ijlas-1