Jamatul Muslimeen Bhatkal’s Annual Program held

09:59PM Sun 13 Jan, 2013

jamatul-muslimeen-2 Bhatkal – 12 Jan 2013: Jamatul Muslimeen Bhatkal conducted its annual program here at Jama Masjid yesterday after Isha prayers. The program was presided over by Mr Abdul Rahman Mohtesham. In his presidential speech, he emphasized the need of Unity and Integrity among people. He appealed all people to support Jamaat in resolving disputes. Moulana Abdul Bari in his speech pointed out some of the new evils making roots in the society like women driving a vehicle etc. He warned against such evils. Moulana Abdul Aleem Qasimi, General Secretary, Jamatul Muslimeen presented the annual report. And it was approved aftera brief Q&A session. The program was concluded with the dua of Moulana Abdul Bari Nadvi at around 11:30 pm. Bhatkallys News Bureau