Jamaatul Muslimeen holds Isteqbal-e-Ramadan program

04:50AM Thu 4 Jul, 2013

2nd July 2013 / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: "The foundation of Islam is laid on five pillars and Zakat (giving alms) is the third pillar of Islam. Every moment humans desire to have their wealth increased. Therefore, instead of spending wealth in beneficial things he spends in other places. Wealth can be a source of salvation for us but can also lead to our doom." This thought was expressed by Deputy Qazi of Jamatul Muslimeen Bhatkal Maulana Abdul Rab Khateeb Nadvi in the Welcoming Ramadan (Istiqbal-e-Ramadan) program organized by Tableeg division of Jamatul Muslimeen  at Jamia Masjid Bhatkal. While mentioning about Zakaat and his rulings he mentioned that for wedding ceremonies people spend lavishly but when it comes to Zakat then paying 2.5% becomes a burden on them. Paying Zakaat causes our wealth to increase. Prophet Mohammed (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said "If there be my wealth equal to the mountain of Uhud, it would not be good for me if I leave therefrom even two qirats at the time of my death" Maulana Shafi Qasmi in his speech said that without putting efforts one cannot attain anything and if he wants to achieve something he works day and night and only then he achieves what he wants. Similarly, Allaah has granted us the month of Ramadan so that we work hard during this month and attain paradise through it and save ourselves from hell-fire. Allaah's messenger (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said that during Ramadan, ask for paradise and salvation from hell-fire. He further said Taraveeh prayer has a special association with Ramadan and there should be no negligence in it. Allaah and His messenger like Taraveeh and it is held as Sunnat-e-Moakkeda by Imams of madhabs. Maulana Abdul Aleem Khateeb Nadvi stressing the importance of aitekaaf and night of Al-Qadr said that once Allaah's messenger (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) performed aitekaaf in the entire month of Ramadan. When he did not find it in the first ten days, he searched for it in the next ten days and when he still did not find it he announced that those who have performed aitekaaf with him in the first twenty days should continue performing with him in the last ten days as well. When you sit in aitekaaf then search for the night of qadr as Allaah (subhaanahu wa ta'ala) revealed an entire surah in Quran to emphasize the significance of the night of qadr. In the end, Maulana Abdul Bari Fakerdey Nadvi presented some tips on Ramadan and emphasized strongly to act on them. On this occasion, President of Jamatul Muslimeen Master Shafi Saheb, Qaazi of Jamutul Muslimeen Maulana Mohammed Iqbal Mulla Nadvi Saheb, Maulana Abdul Azeem Qaadiya Nadvi Saheb and Imams and members of masjids were present.