Jamaat Ul Muslimeen Bhatkal elects New Office Bearers

04:27PM Thu 14 Jul, 2016

July 14,2016|Rizwan gangavali| Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Jamat ul Muslimeen Bhatkal elected its office bearers for a term of next three years here on Thursday. Election Commissioner Moulana Muhammad Hussain Jukaku said the election was in process since last 3 months in Bhatkal and for members who reside and gulf Countries. Shabandri Muhammad Shafi Patel has been unanimously elected as President, with Moulana Talha RUknuddin being elected as General Secretary. The list of other office bearers goes as follows: Abdur Rahim Jukaku, Vice President I 2: SJ Hashim, Vice president II
  1. Qadir Meeran Patel, Vice President III
  2. Moulana Shoaib Ikkeri, Secretary
  3. Moulana Muhammad Hussain Jukaku, Assistant secretry
  4. SM Syed Abdul Azeem, Treasurer
SM Qasim has been elected as the Patron of the Jamaat for the next term, On this occasion Bhatkallys.com wishes the new office bearers all the success, and pray to almighty Allah too accept their services towards community.