Jali Panchayat to hold Gram Sabha meet on 2nd July

04:17AM Sat 29 Jun, 2013

28th June 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Jali Gram Panchayat will hold the first Gram Sabha meet at 10:30 am on Tuesday, 2nd July 2013 at Venkateshwar Namdhari Sabha Bhavan (opposite Jali Gram Panchayat). In this session, officials from various departments will present detailed report about their work to the public. Opportunity will also be provided for the public to raise any questions in case they have. Information about new schemes will also be provided in this Gram Sabha session. If people have any complaints or any other issues, they can raise them on this occasion. It may be noted that the areas - Madina Colony, Tagargod, Venktapur, KHB Colony, Durga Prasad (DP) Colony, Jali Kodi, Jaali Dodamane, and Azad Nagar - fall under Jali Gram Panchayat. People residing in these areas should try to attend the function. SAMSUNG DIGITAL CAMERA