Jagadish Karanth spews 'anti-Muslim' venom at Hindu Samavesh

03:07PM Mon 9 May, 2016

May 09, 2016 | Correspondent | Bhatkallys News Shirali: In a bid to arouse Hindus against Muslims and divide the citizens of the country on the lines of religion, Hindu Jagran Vedike leader Jagadish Karanth, well known for his anti-Muslim speeches, spewed venom against Muslims of Bhatkal in his fiery speech at a program titled "Hindu Samavesh" organized by Hindu Jagran Vedike at Janata Vidyalaya School in Shirali. Urging the Hindus to stay alert of Muslims in Bhatkal, he alleged that Riyaz, Iqbal, Shafi and Sultan Armar have all been born and brought up in Bhatkal and after learning terrorism from here they are terrorizing people in other parts of the world. Targetting Majlise Islah Wa Tanzeem, he said that Tanzeem has always been been supporting terrorists. Calling Bhatkal as "centre" of terrorism, he demanded that Tanzeem declare the youths arrested on charges of terrorism as enemies of Islam. Terming Hindu as the ancient religion of India, he said that those who don't exhort Hindiusm have no rights to stay in the country. Also targeting Azan (call to prayer given in mosques), he said that it causes inconvenience to many people and it should be stopped. On this occasion Hindu Jagran Vedike leaders Anand Naik, Lawyer Rajesh Naik and others were present.