Islamic teachings promote peace and harmony: Maulana Basheer Madani

05:16AM Fri 17 May, 2013

ibne-hajar-13 16th May 2013 / Press release / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Islam is a pillar of mercy and has no relation whatsoever with terrorism and disorder. All its teachings unequivocally promote peace and harmony. It encourages kind and just treatment towards not just humans but animals too and those who are cruel towards animals are being warned against hellfire." - This thought was expressed by Zee Salaam TV's speaker Maulana Basheer Ahmed Madani at a public function organized by Markaz Hafiz Ibn Hajr Al Askalaani at Kamlavati Conference Hall near New English School Bhatkal. On this occasion, while giving a beneficial talk on the topic of "Islam is mercy and not a nuisance", he said that today Muslims are labelled as terrorists and Islam is labelled as religion of terrorism, however terror is a term founded by Europeans. Islam has no place for terror and Muslims who involve in terrorist activities are not following the teachings of Islam. While mentioning about the methodologies of inviting people to Islam he said that, today, enemies of Islam are very cleverly spreading their doctrine and creating doubts  in the hearts and minds of people against the religion of Islam but we are wasting our time quarrelling about minor differences of opinions. Need of the hour is to use all possible ways and means to invite people to Islam and spread the knowledge to non-muslims in such a way that falsehood should perish automatically and the doubts that they have on Islam should be wiped away. Earlier in the day, Maulana Inayatullaah Madni, the speaker who had come from Maharashtra gave a speech on the topic of "Majesty of Companions of Prophet Muhammed (SAWS)". He said that a misunderstanding that normally exists among Muslims is that salafees do not hold the companions of the Messenger of Allaah in high-esteem but in reality it is an unjust and cruel allegation. This allegation is actually laid by enemies of Islam to create enmity and hatred amongst us. In reality, we respect companions more than other Muslims and follow their teachings whole-heartedly. This program was organized by Maulana Sheece Nadvi. In this function, awards were distributed to top ranking students of Tajdeed Imaan course. Their names in the order of their ranks are given below: 1. Zuha d/o Mohammed Mohsin Motiya. 2. Maimuma Javed Shahabuddin 3. Bint Zubair Hallare 4. Bint Qasim Saka 5. Qudsia Yasmin Shaikh d/o Shamsuddin 6. Bibi Rukiya Mohammed Altaf 7. Bint Abdur-Rehman Idrusa 8. Bibi Saarah d/o Sa'ada Ikkeri 9. Bint Mohammed Saleem Vaagh 10. Mohammed Hanifa Hallare Program ended at around 6:15 pm with prayers (dua) by Maulana Sheece Nadvi.