Indian Muslims should work hard to retain their identity and independence: S Ameenul Hasan

01:59AM Mon 30 Sep, 2013

29 Sep 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: "The Muslim community began to decline after the end of Khilafat and then the western powers ruled us. After 9/11, there has been tremendous change in world conditions." This thought was expressed by Engineer S Ameenul Hasan in a program organized by Jamaat-e-Islami Hind at Qazia Hasan Hall in Rabita Society on the topic "The changing conditions of the Islamic world and the Muslim community". Shedding light on the conditions of Muslims in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, and Pakistan, he said that the western powers are planning and executing crusades among the Muslims. Commenting about the conditions in India, he said that majority of Indians are peace-loving but there are 2% people who are communal and are responsible for creating rifts, so, we should remain with the majority and spread the environment of peace and harmony and work hard towards retaining the independence provided to us. In the end, he encouraged the Bhatkali community to work hard towards raising the fame of Bhatkal by joining fields like IAS, IPS, and Law. The programme began with Quran recitation by Moulvi Zia-ur-Rehman Ruknuddin. Thereafter, Moulvi Syed Qutb Barmawar Nadvi presented the welcome speech and introduced the guest of honour. The programme ended with parting words by program convenor Moulana Yasir Barmawar Nadvi. jamate-islami-hind-1