Indian girl smarter than Einstein, Hawkins

03:57AM Wed 6 Mar, 2013

MensaLONDON: A 12-year-old Indian girl has recorded an incredible score in one of the world's toughest IQ tests that makes her smarter than scientist Albert Einstein and physicist Stephen Hawking. Neha Ramu, who migrated to the UK along with her doctor parents five years ago, achieved a score of 162 on Mensa IQ test. The score is higher than that of Hawking, Bill Gates and Einstein, who are all believed to have an IQ of 160. The score makes the girl one of the brightest people in the UK. Rebecca Goodman of British Mensa - an organisation of people with very high IQs -- told TOI that Mensa accepts anyone with a valid IQ score in the top 2% of the population. "There are several IQ tests, British Mensa currently offers the Cattell III B (which Neha's score is from) & Culture Fair tests but will accept scores in the top 2% on other recognised IQ tests. Neha is one of over a 1,000 under 18s in British Mensa (which covers the UK, Ireland and Channel Islands). There are over 22,500 members of British Mensa and over 100,000 members worldwide. The score is truly extraordinary," Goodman said. Neha's mother, Jayashree, said, "At first I did not really realise what she was capable of as she wasn't being stretched at school. I am so proud of her now." Neha, who swears by Harry Potter like most kids of her age, is believed to have admitted that the Mensa test was quite hard but that didn't stop her from excelling in it. A devoted swimmer, Neha wants to be a doctor like her parents and intends study at Harvard. She is also believed to have appeared in the SAT exam and achieved a score of 740 out of 800 in the test primarily designed for 18-year-olds. Goodman said Einstein had never taken an IQ test but it is widely accepted that it would be around 160. Mensa was founded in England in 1946 by Roland Berrill, a barrister and Dr Lance Ware, a scientist and lawyer. They had the idea of forming a society for bright people, the only qualification for membership of which was a high IQ. The original aim was to create a society that is non-political and free from all racial or religious distinctions. There are around 110,000 Mensans in 100 countries. Some of the world's most prominent Mensans include Academy-award winning actress Geena Davis, former chairman of Ford Donald Petersen, who was involved in the development of two of Ford's most successful cars -- the Mustang and the Maverick -- Marilyn Vos Savant, who is listed in the Guinness Hall of Fame for having the world's highest recorded IQ (228) and former two-time World Boxing Association (WBA) Cruiserweight Champion Bobby Czyz.