Indian Celebrate 62nd Republic Day in Qatar

09:04AM Mon 31 Jan, 2011

Qatar, Jan 31,2011 (Bhtakallys News)Indians celebrated their Republic Day in a large numbers at Indian embassay premises in Doha. The ambassador HE Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa unfrul the national flag. The Indian ambassador read out the message of Indian President Paratiba Patil. In her message, Patil said, `This decade has been designated as the `Decade of Innovations`. Large amount of funds would be allocated for science and technology, so that scientists can undertake indepth reasearch in a wide range of subjects. The president also stated that violence and rising crime would damage the social fabric of India. She reiterate the importance of integrity, honesty, good conduct and high values which our culture teaches. Patil also urged Indians to work towards strenghthening democracy in India.

Birla Public School students sung patriotic song. A cake was also cut on the occasion by the Ambassador.

This function was attended by prominent Indian community members and embassy officials, including Sanjiv Kohli,Minister in India Embassy.Qureshi, Second Secretary, K.M. Varghese, President of India Cultural Centre, Nilangshu Dey, President of Indian Community Benevolent Forum and Azim Abbas, President of Indian Business & Professional network.

Also, Indian embassy hosted a grand reception in Ramada Hotel. It was attended by Minister of Social Affairs HE Nasser bin Abdullah and deplomats from Pakistan, Sri Lanka, USA and Nepal etc. Indian Ambassador HE Geeta Gopalan Wadhwa lauded Indias`s strong relation with Qatar.

By: S.M.Syed Zakir, Correspondent,