Inauguration of Nawayat Mehfil in Chowk Bazar

06:12AM Sat 20 Apr, 2013

19th April 13 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Nawayat Mehfil's office was inaugurated yesterday evening at Chowk Bazar. Program initiated with Quran recitation by Qari Iqbal Saheb. Thereafter, Abdul Qadir Budiye Saheb presented Hamd. Mustafa Tabish Saheb presented the welcome speech and shed light on the purpose of the program. On this occasion, Abdul Aleem Qasmi Saheb while expressing his thoughts said that every language reflects a culture and the Nawayati language has a reflection of Islamic culture. Hence, we should try to promote the language. Janab Abdul Rehman Mohatisham Saheb on this occasion expressed grief over adulteration of Nawayati language with Western culture and said that we should try to bring back the original Nawayati language and should prepare our generations for this task. He further mentioned that we should also preserve the Urdu language and should enlighten our children with the Urdu language. Maulana Jafar Faqui Nadvi Saheb on this occasion applauded the efforts of Nawayat Mehfil towards the protection of Nawayati language and said that a nations biggest asset is their language and it is the primary medium for day to day interactions between the people. Maulana on this occasion gave an illustrative speech on language and said that it is more powerful than the sword because the wound caused by sword heals sooner or later but the wound caused by speech remains engraved in the heart. Maulana equated the protection of language to protection of natural resources and said that tampering with the language by using cheap alternatives is like tampering with natural resources. Maulana further said that expert linguistics believe that language is inspired by Allaah and it is not something that can come into existence on its own. For this reason, Allaah sent ever prophet to their nation speaking the language used by them. In the end, Maulana encouraged to spend time towards protection of the language. Apart from them, Janab Abdullaah Rafeeq Saheb, Janab Abdul Raqeeb M J Saheb and other people expressed their thoughts on this occasion. Program ended with thank-you speech by the program organizer, Affan Baafqi. nawaith-mehfil-3 nawaith-mehfil-2 nawaith-mehfil-1