In a major blow to Goa, Russia strikes off India from safe travel destinations list

03:39PM Sun 29 Nov, 2015

Russia has struck off India from the list of safe travel destinations recommended for Russian citizens, according to a report by a Russian news agency. The decision will be a major blow to Goa as most of its foreign tourists comprise of Russians. Goa is already witnessing a reduction in the arrival of Russian tourists after the devaluation of rouble. The Russian information centre in Goa on Saturday released a statement saying that a revised travel advisory has been formulated after the blacklisting of Turkey and Egypt. Russian President Vladimir Putin had cancelled all the flights heading towards Egypt after the explosion of a Russian passenger plane over the Sinai peminsula. He also urged the citizens of Russia to cancel their vacations in Turkey after a Russian fighter et was shot down by Turkish missiles in Syria. Commenting on Russia's decision, head of the Russian information centre, Ekaterina Belyakova said, "Both India and Goa were not considered as good destinations for Russian travellers." Among the destinations which are tagged safe for Russian tourists now include, Cuba, Southern China and south Vietnam. Suggesting how acutely the decision will impact the economy of Goa, Belyakova said, "Both India and Goa were not considered as good destinations for Russian travellers," said Ekaterina Belyakova, head of the Russian information centre. It's not just a blow for the Russian tourist whose options for sunny climes has shrunk further but for Goa's economy as well. "Over the past few years, the number of Russian tourists was not less than 50% of all foreign tourists visiting Goa. Since 2002, the number of Russian-speaking tourists has grown steadily. In 2013, the number of Russian tourists visiting Goa was 250,000," an English daily reported. Clarifying Russia's decision, First Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of the Russian Federation, Ivan Melnikov said that the country mainly focused on Cuba, China and Vietnam as new travel destinations for its citizens because these countries have "excellent infrastructure, friendly atmosphere and warm weather in winter". INTERFAX reported, "Unfortunately, both India and Goa, were not discussed as a promising direction for Russian travellers." Russia also stated that the removal of Goa from the safe destination list is not because of terror attacks but due to the local incidents.