IMA Youth Wing Sports day held in Kuwait

10:36AM Mon 21 Feb, 2011

Kuwait, Februaury 18, 2011: Indian Muslim Association YOUTHWING organized One Day Sports Event at Fahaheel grounds with an aim to reach out to Indian youth from different parts of Kuwait. More than 300 Indian youth participated in the sports events.
Cricket, Volleyball and Tug-Of-War were the main attraction of the Sports Day event. Cricket tournament was inaugurated by a delivery bowled by IMA President Mohammed Aslam. A total of 17 teams participated in the cricket tournament, the final of which was played between Kharafi National Camp 3 Team & Glorious Cricketers Mangalore. Kharafi National Camp 3 Team won the finals to clinch the Trophy, Medals and Gift Vouchers. Six teams participated in Volleyball event which was won by APSARA team. APSARA Team also won the Tug-Of-War event.
Short Inaugural function was held prior to the Sports event, which began with the recitation of the verses from Holy Quran by Hafiz Shareef. Key note address was delivered by IMA Youth Wing President Br. Arshad Habib Khan, who presented the message of IMA Youth Wing i.e., to prepare the Youth and Students to fulfill their responsibility towards society, educating them about false ideologies and enhance their talents for the service of humanity. Br.Mujahid Khan Omri Convened the inauguration ceremony.
Prize distribution Ceremony started with the recitation of Holy Quran by Br.Shaikh Ilyas. Mr. Sudhakar Shetty, Director of Domestic Cricket, Kuwait who was the Chief guest of the ceremony , Appreciated the Efforts of IMA Youth Wing in organizing such a big Sports Event. In his key note address he emphasized on the Importance of Sports Events that build an attitude of fair play, courtesy toward teammates and opponents, ethical behavior and integrity, and grace in victory or defeat. Janab Aslam Sahab, President IMA, Hasan Yusuf Sahab, Arshad Habib Khan, President IMA Youth Wing and Br.Faheemuddin Sharief, Organizer of the Event were present on dais at the Prize Distribution Ceremony.

Report By : IMA Youth Wing, Kuwait
