IIBFI Director visits Bhatkallys office

03:54AM Thu 10 Oct, 2013


IIBFI Institute

Director - Administration & Academics (IIFBI), Mohammed Asim Farooq in his tour to Bhatkal, visited the Bhatkallys office. On this occasion, our correspondent enquired about the online Islamic course on Islamic Banking. Given below are the details concerning it: The Certificate Course in Islamic Banking Finance & Insurance is designed to provide a basic understanding of the principles, nature and form of Islamic Banking, as is relevant to those entering and/or working in the financial service market. Islamic Banking and Finance, also known as ethical banking, Shariah Compliant Banking, interest-free banking or as special finance, has reached the shores of more than 100 nations of the world. Surprisingly the nations who have taken keen interest in promoting this concept also include hardcore secular and developed nations such as UK, USA, France, Germany, Singapore etc. Robust performance of Islamic Banking and Finance sector during the recent financial crisis has added to its allure. Emergence of green and ethical movement has further contributed to euphoria surrounding Islamic banking. IMF and the World Bank have come up with researches that find Islamic banking and finance more stable in comparison with the current form of banking practiced across the globe. Many Muslim nations of the Middle East and Far East have made substantial progress in promoting Islamic Banking and Finance in their jurisdictions through favorable taxation and other policy supports. Western Nations such as UK, on the other hand promote Islamic Banking through the slogan of “No favor but No discrimination”. In India, too several institutions including some owned by government have shown a determination to capitalize on this growing niche opportunity. Kerala Government owned KSIDC has started an Islamic Finance Company Al-Barakah Financial Services Ltd; GIC of India has started Islamic Re-Insurance Scheme; SEBI has permitted several schemes explicitly adhering to the Islamic laws of investments. BSE Ltd. has launched a Shariah Index in association with TASIS (Taqwaa Advisory & Shariah Investment Solutions). The Certificate Course on Islamic Banking Finance & Insurance is basically designed for learning in theoretical and empirical aspects of the important modes of Islamic Finance which are Ijarah, Diminishing Musharaka, Istisna, Sukuks and Mechanism of Islamic Finance and Banking that are Shariah Compliant. Islam being a complete code of life has brought solutions for all aspects of financial dealings. At the end this Certificate Course, we hope you will be able to equip yourself with a detailed understanding of the various aspects of Shariah Compliant Financial Products. This On-Line training Course in Certificate on Islamic Banking Finance & Insurance,can help you to understand the concept of “What is Islamic Banking, Finance & Insurance in Global Scenario”. " The World is shifting from pure conventional banking to more sophisticated and ethically driven Shari’ah Compliant Banking & Finance ". Learning Object: This Certificate Course in Islamic Banking Finance & Insurance, is designed to provide a basic understanding of the principles, nature and form of Islamic Banking, as is relevant to those entering and/or working in the Financial service market. You will gain the knowledge of and appreciate the purpose and need for the different principles involved in Islamic Banking and how they differ from Conventional Banking models. This course will lead to appear for IFQ (Islamic Finance Qualification) Eligibility: Anyone seeking a basic understanding of the nature and form of Islamic Banking /Professionals /Chartered Accountants / Corporates / Lawyers / Businessmen / Any Graduate / Management Students.

Course Structure

Unit I: Introduction to Islamic Finance Unit II: Business Contracts in Islam Unit III: Application of Islamic Law in Business, Finance & Insurance Unit IV: Islamic Asset and Fund Management Unit V: Islamic Capital Market (Shares) & Sukuk (Islamic Bond) Unit VI: Takaful (Islamic Insurance)  

Evaluation Methodology:

1. Theory Exam : 60% Weightage 2. Assignment/ Project : 20% 3. Training : 20% Course  


On-Line Course Fee for the Certificate Course in Islamic Banking Finance & Insurance will be 1. For International Students : USD $600. 2. For Indian Students & NRIs :INR 20,000.(Rupees Twenty Thousand only) Fee is inclusive of Online Training,Course Material, Project Work and Certificate On Sucessful Completion Of Course.   Source: www.IIBFI.com