House burgled in Bhatkal by thieves: Cash looted, valuables damaged

08:48PM Sun 31 Dec, 2023

Bhatkal: 31 December (Bhatkallys News Bureau) In a recent incident of theft, a residence on Nagappa Naik Road was robbed on Sunday night. The thieves not only made away with nearly one lakh in cash but also caused significant damage to the valuables within the house.

The homeowner, Badarud Duja Barmawar, explained that due to the recent delivery of his daughter, he had been staying at his daughter's residence within the same neighborhood for several days. His visits to his own house were limited to the morning hours.

Upon returning to his residence, he found the entrance door open, and the contents of the cupboards were strewn across the house. Upon checking further, it was revealed that the thieves had targeted the cash in the house. He added there were no jewelry or gold items present.

The Bhatkal town police were alerted, and officials arrived at the scene to assess the crime scene. Initial investigations suggest that the thieves likely gained entry by breaking the front door and made their escape through the back door after securing the cash.

A case in this regard has been registered and further investigations are underway.