Hindu Sena holds havan for Donald Trump, the ‘saviour of humanity from Islamic terror’

05:05AM Thu 12 May, 2016

Members of the Sena believe that Trump is the man who will “save humanity from Islam and Islamic terror.” New Delhi, 12 May 2016: Tilak on his forehead, the smell of incense in the air and prayers for his victory in the US presidential elections in November. If you’re wondering whether Donald Trump visited a temple during his campaign, think again. Trump may never have heard of the Hindu Sena, but that didn’t stop the right-wing organisation from holding a havan for the victory of the presumptive Republican nominee. Members of the Sena believe that Trump is the man who will “save humanity from Islam and Islamic terror.” Calling Trump their “hero”, Hindu Sena chief Vishnu Gupta says, “We believe Islam and Islamic terror are cancerous to the world. India has suffered too long because of this. Trump believes the same thing… that’s why we are praying for his victory.” To pledge their “support” for the billionaire businessman, over a dozen Hindu Sena members gathered at Jantar Mantar with a pandit in tow and posters of Trump, either beaming or waving, in their hands. The havan began at 12.30 pm and continued for an hour, during which Hindu Sena members urged god to shower his blessings on Trump. When asked why his organisation opposed Islam, Gupta retorts, “Who are the people joining ISIS and Jaish-e- Mohamamad? They are not Hindus or Christians, they are Muslims and Trump wants to counter that.” He says the Hindu Sena has planned several events to express its wholehearted support for Trump . Sena members say they have no doubts Trump will win the election in November. “If the American people disagreed with him, why would he continue winning,” they ask. They say they will not support Trump’s opponent, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. “She talks secularism. She has said nothing about tackling Muslims. Only Trump has a plan,” say Hindu Sena members. Gupta also has plans to write to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and request him to make an appeal to the international community to garner support for the Republican frontrunner. However, Gupta says Modi has “disappointed” him by recently claiming that Islam is peace at the first World Sufi Forum. “Aise mein ek hi aasha ki kiran hai (in these circumstances, there is only one ray of hope),” he says. IndianExpress