Heavy rains lash Bhatkal

01:17PM Mon 10 Jun, 2013

10th June 2013 / Rizwan Gangavaly / Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Heavy rains continued to lash Bhatkal for the third consecutive day. On one end, it brought a lot of relief to the people as it filled the wells and fields with water but on another end there were reports of tree and compound wall collapses at few places in Bhatkal. At one place a car got damaged badly, when the compound wall next to it, collapsed. There were also reports of water blockades in some drainage lines causing water to spill on the road thus causing inconvenience to locals and school-going kids. From Thursday till Friday Bhatkal recorded rainfall of 6.7 mm. heavy-rain-lashed-bhatkal-2 heavy-rain-lashed-bhatkal-3