Garbage piles up in Pattan panchayat areas, officials display lack of concern

03:09PM Sat 7 May, 2016

May 07, 2016 | Correspondent | Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: It has been six months since the old members of Jaali panchayat were isolated and the panchayat was upgraded to Pattan panchayat. In this duration, litter has started piling up in areas falling under Jaali Pattan panchayat limit and no official has showed any concern towards cleanliness in these areas. Few months ago, members of Gulf Council took initiative and cleaned garbage and litter in Madina Colony but as days progressed, litter started piling up here again. Ignorance displayed by public in burning the garbage near electric transformers has further compounded the woes. Garbage piling up in areas such as Madina Colony, Badriya Colony, Umar Street, Kargadde, Hurulisal, etc have made movement of people difficult in these areas and also increased the threat of catching airborne diseases. Now, since the elections of pattan panchayat are over and members have been elected, public is hoping strongly that newly elected members take immediate action and implement regular and ever-lasting garbage cleaning process in these localities. - ARF