Fitrah Committee held get together in Bhatkal

04:55PM Wed 13 Jul, 2016

July 13,2016|Rizwan Gangavali|Bhatkallys News Bhatkal: Markazi Fitah committee held a get together in the campus of Ali Public school here in Bhatkal. Wherein the youths called on and were appreciated for the efforts and contributions. Moulana Muhammad Ilyas Nadvi, Convener Markazi Fitrah committee, while addressing the public said, This year Fitrah was distributed among 1420 families across Bhatkal and its surroundings. He further urged people to Thank Allah the Almighty, who has been who has made us all the Donor and has not kept us on the receiving end. He later lauded the efforts of the youngsters. Moulana Irshad Afrika presided over the event, Moulana Abdul Aleem Qasmi Nadv, and representatives of several gulf based Jama’ats of Bhatkal were present. The event came to an end with Dua’a