Filipino Islamic preacher visits Oman

11:25AM Thu 8 Sep, 2011

Omar Salcedo Penalber (himself an convert) who converted more than two hundred Fillipinos in the UAE during his lecture in the UAE is currently visiting Oman

MUSCAT: Omar Salcedo Penalber, the internationally renowned orator from the Philippines, will begin his series of lectures on Islam at the lecture hall of Sultan Qaboos Grand mosque at 8.30pm today.

The lecture will be held in Filipino (Tagalog) language.

The second lecture will be held on Thursday on the topic, "Towards Understanding Islam and Muslims". The topic of the third lecture is "How to achieve true peace and success." Times of Oman caught up with Penalber who talked on a range of issues. Excerpts of the interview:

Describe your background.

I am from the Philippines and used to work at the legal department of a bank and was simultaneously studying law. When a job offer came from Saudi Arabia, I discontinued law and flew to Saudi , where I worked with a firm dealing with computers.

What attracted you to Islam?

While at work I used to browse through Islamic pamphlets and booklets kept at a counter at my workplace. When my colleague asked me why I was reading the pamphlets, I told him, 'To increase my understanding of Islam.' Then he gave me more pamphlets which I kept reading.

After a few weeks he invited me to a lecture at an Islamic Centre organised by World Muslim League in Riyadh. I continued attending such lectures regularly.

We used to discuss and debate certain points as my mother and I were involved in Church activities in our country.

Why did you embrace Islam?

Islam's strong preaching about the Oneness of God, the concept of brotherhood, and the method of worship, they all influenced in making me accept Islam.

This was way back in 1987. Before I went to Saudi Arabia I knew nothing about Islam. My main intention was to go to Saudi Arabia to earn money so I could complete my law degree. When I converted to Islam, my mission was accomplished.

How did your parents and the family react to your decision of embracing Islam?

When I went back to my hometown after becoming a Muslim, I used to pray secretly. Slowly I began to make them know about Islam. They all concurred with me that Islam is a religion they too should follow. They have all become Muslims.

How has Islam changed your life?

It has made me believe that in order to get rewards in the life hereafter, you need to pray, care for others, and do good deeds.

How is the life for Muslims like in the Philippines?

They are in a minority. They are scattered all over the Islands. We have a foundation that runs schools on Islamic pattern and centres that cater to Muslims.

What message would you give to those interested in Islam?

They should learn about it and I am sure anybody who learns about Islam will accept the religion without much hesitation. The more knowledge one has of Islam, the stronger will be your faith in the religion.