Facebook weakens democracy, says ex-employee

11:09AM Wed 6 Oct, 2021

Today's testimony by whistleblower Frances Haugen will likely keep Facebook in the hot seat for a while.  

Here's a recap of what happened today:

  • Haugen said Facebook routinely prioritises its profits and growth over the safety of its users.
  • When it comes to oversight and accountability she said "the buck stops with Mark" - referring to Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and CEO of the company.
  • Several lawmakers pointed to research that suggests Facebook and Instagram worsen teenagers' body image issues and promote eating disorders.
  • Committee Chairman Richard Blumenthal called the company "morally bankrupt" and said parents and bullied teens, among others, were watching their actions closely now.
  • Haugen suggested Facebook was harmful to democracy and had taken away many safeguards it had in place for the 2020 election.
  • Facebook directly pushed back against Haugen's testimony and the reporting on it, with top spokespeople tweeting out rebuttals as Haugen spoke to Congress.
  • Haugen argued the company has a culture of insularity that leads to a lack of accountability.
  • But she also said she does not support breaking up the company, which many politicians have suggested.
(Source: BBC)