Emirates India Fraternity Forum holds a program called "HubbuRasool (SWAS) "

03:55PM Wed 13 Feb, 2013

24-i Abu Dhabi: Emirates India Fraternity Forum (EIFF) Holds a Program called “HubbuRasool (swas) in light of Life and Teachings of Prophet Mohammad (SWAS): Abu Dhabi, Feb 8: Emirates India Fraternity Forum-Abu Dhabi sector organized a program to expatriate Indians on life and message of Prophet Muhammad SAS at City Palace Restaurant Hall, Abu Dhabi on 8th January, 2013 on the occasion of Rabi-ul-Awwal month. The program started with reciting verses of holy Quran by Mr. Iqbal Aathoor followed with the welcome address by Janab Ashraf Machar. Mr. Anees Hussain, Mr. AkramSaheb, (Al Sitara Gulf Gen. Maintenance) Mr. Majeed Aladka, Mr. Shaheer Chikmangalore and Mr. Abdul Rasheed Bejaihave attended as guests. Mr. Shaheer Chikmangalore in his address has given a short presentation about the Emirates India Fraternity Forum (EIFF) and its recent activities such as Blood Donation Camp with conjunction with Abu Dhabi Blood Bank, Amnesty Program, Dispatch of Dead bodies to India and burial of dead bodies, Sports meets etc. He explained about the assistance to the needy in job search, counseling program to the families and legal assistance. He also touched upon about the importance of this holy month of Rabi-ul-Awwal and also various social schemes conducted by EIFF and explained about distributions of pamphlets in 6 languages pertaining to Amnesty. He appealed the audience to give helping hands to EIFF in its future programs. Mr. Majeed Aladka, in his key address on ‘Prophet Muhammad and his Message’ stressed importance of the Teachings and Life style of Prophet Mohammad (SWAS).He narrated that before the birth of the Holy Prophet Sall-Allahualayhiwasallam, not only the Arabian peninsula, but also the so-called civilized nations were drowned in the darkness of ignorance, superstitions, oppression and unrest. The Holy Prophet, Sall-Allahualayhiwasallam, came with the eternal truth of Tawhid (Oneness of Allah), the only faith which provides a firm basis for the real concepts of knowledge, equity and peace. It was this faith which delivered humanity from ignorance and superstitions and spread the light of true knowledge all over the world. Due to lack of Islamic knowledge and insignificant of moral science in our colleges and schools, the present youths have lost their moral values. It is the responsibility of the elders and the Parents to teach our youths about the Islamic culture. The recent incidents in India are mainly because we have forgotten the teaching of our prophet Mohammad (SWAS) and left behind his life style. The whole world is celebrating and conducting programs about Prophet Mohammad (SWAS) in the month of Rabi'ul-Awwal but our mission should not limit to only one month but it should continue throughout our life time. EIFF is planning to conduct a Umrah program from 24th of April 2013 and appealed the audience to make use of this arrangement. The book title “Pearls of Knowledge” a book contains 1000 Islamic questions and answers were distributed to the audience. EIFF is planning to conduct a quiz competition on these questions during the month of May in Abu Dhabi and Dubai. Mr Ashraf Machar conveyed his thanks to the main sponsors of this function such as Al Sitara Gulf Cont & Gen Maint,, Al Majid IT solutions, Sana Hydraulics and ECCO Cargo Abu Dhabi. The program was concluded with delicious dinner and vote of thanks by Janab Ashraf Machar. 10 13 23-Must 32- Sponsor for Hubburrasool SA-1