Emirates India Fraternity Forum helps repatriate 2 Indian expats' bodies

09:52AM Fri 5 Jul, 2013

EIFF2 4th July 2013 / Press Release / Bhatkallys News Emirates India Fraternity Forum (EIFF) with the help of UAE authorities and Indian Consulate, Dubai managed to repatriate the bodies of two Indians workers who had died there. Abu Dhabi: Abdulla Sheb Abassa Beary 49 years old hailing from Manchakal, Mangalore, Karnataka passed away due to cardiac arrest on 24th Monday 2012, 05.00PM. He was working as a driver in BadaZayed, it is said that he suddenly collapsed and was rushed to the hospital where he breathed his last. After the news of his death, relatives and well wishers contacted EIFF for their help to repatriate the body back home. Emirates India Fraternity Forum (EIFF) with the help of UAE Government authorities and Indian Consulate Dubai managed to repatriate the body on 27thJune to Mangalore. Relatives, friends and well-wishers all around UAE expressed hearty condolences on his sudden demise. The deceased is survived by his wife and three children. Dubai: Abdul Rauff Adam Shaikh 61 years old hailing from Belvai, Mangalore, Karnataka passed away due to cardiac arrest on 28th June 2012 onFriday morning. He was working with Al Nahar General Transport EST as a Truck Driver in Dubai. It is said that he suddenly collapsed and was rushed to the hospital where he breathed his last. After the news of his death, relatives and well-wishers contacted EIFF for their help to repatriate the body back home. Emirates India Fraternity Forum (EIFF) with the help of UAE Gov. authorities and Indian Consulate Dubai managed to repatriate the body on 30th June to Mangalore. Relatives, friends and well-wishers all around UAE expressed hearty condolences on his sudden demise.  The deceased is survived by his wife and six children.