Emirates expects 'all-time high' rush of New Year revellers

07:50AM Wed 30 Dec, 2015

Excluding transit passengers, over 174,000 people were expected to reach Dubai from December 28 until just after New Year's Day.

Number of travellers are expected to reach an all-time high for Emirates, as the airline expects yet another busy period with visitors flocking to Dubai for New Year celebrations and the upcoming Dubai Shopping Festival. Excluding transit passengers, over 174,000 people were expected to reach Dubai from December 28 until just after New Year's Day. In addition, more than 103,000 travellers will be making their way to Emirates' dedicated Terminal 3 facilities from January 2 to 4 2016, to depart Dubai. The busiest day to the start of 2016 is expected to be on January 2. Mohammed H. Mattar, Divisional Senior Vice-President, Emirates Airport Services said: "With another record breaking week coming up, we want to ensure that passing through the airport is as stress-free as possible. During the upcoming busy travel period, passengers should provide plenty of time for airport check-in and security screening, and factor in more time into their travel plans to ensure they arrive to their gates on time." -Khaleej Times