Eleven million use Abu Dhabi airport in 2010

06:14AM Sun 23 Jan, 2011

Abu Dhabi Airports Company said on Sunday that the number of passengers using the airport of the capital increased 12.2 per cent last year to nearly 11 million.

The positive passenger development during the year 2010 is also reflected in the aircraft movement numbers that reached 112,000 aircraft, a jump of 10 per cent in comparison to 2009. Air cargo demonstrated a dynamic growth of 16 per cent in 2010, registering 438,000 tonnes of cargo handled at Abu Dhabi International Airport.
The double-digit increase of passenger, aircraft and cargo figures are a strong indicator of the healthy growth that the Abu Dhabi economy is enjoying. Abu Dhabi Airports Company has invested heavily in attracting new airlines and encouraging existing airlines to expand their services to Abu Dhabi through new routes and increased frequencies.

The report indicated that in 2010 Abu Dhabi International Airport welcomed 5 new international airlines, added 6 new destinations and serviced an average of 41 additional frequencies from its existing airlines - a 13 per cent increase in the total weekly outbound flights compared with the previous year.

"2010 witnessed strong traffic development at Abu Dhabi International Airport, well above the world airports average growth. Our developmental strategy, combined with Abu Dhabi's increasing awareness as an attractive business and tourist destination, led us again to a very positive end of year outcome. We would like to express our warmest appreciation to all our partners for their contribution to one more year of dynamic growth and smooth operation for Abu Dhabi International Airport, " said James E. Bennett, Chief Executive Officer of ADAC.

London, Bangkok, Doha, Manila and Cairo continue to be the top five routes, collectively claiming 20 per cent of the total passenger traffic during 2010. Southern Africa has demonstrated the highest growth as a region served from Abu Dhabi International Airport in 2010 with a 42 per cent increase in traffic, followed by North Africa and the Far East with an increase of 24 per cent and 14 per cent respectively.


23 January 2011, 12:57 PM