Eid milan in Qatar

02:22PM Sat 20 Nov, 2010

Qatar, Nov 20 (Bhatkallys News): The Bhatkalli community in Qatar hosted its second Eid Milan of the year to provide an interaction for members living in far-flung areas.

Qatar Jamat holds the unique distinction of hosting bi-monthly religious lecture meetings with an aim to get connected with all bhatkalli families in Doha. Hosted at the Shadaab Hall of Grand Suites, one of the best hotels in Qatar, the festive celebrations were infused with the communion of enthusiastic members and their families.

Muhammed Salahuddin Shabandri, Secretary - BMJ Qatar, hosted the ceremony in his own inimmitable style followed by recitation of Surah Rahman by Ahmed Fuzail Armar. Abdul Samad Rawoof Ikkeri created waves of nostalgia as he rendered a nawayati nazm.

In 'Make Audience Laugh' session, all the participants were given an opportunity to showcase their comic talent. Several participants created a laughter-riot with their impromptu haillarious presentations ,espcially Nisar Ahmed Aliakbra, Jawad Kadli, Abdul Ahed Ikkeri, Aziz Malpa and Hamza Gutli.

Participants were gifted branded perfumes sponsored by Zafar Kobatte. An old-timer, Farooque Mohtesham popularly called as Farooque Maleka sung a naat in his chalked voice as he completes 32 years of service in Doha.

In his special address, Moulavi Muhammed Azhar Armar passionately appealed to imbibe the spirit of sacrifice set by Hazrat Ibrahim in every walks of life to lead a exemplary islamic life. President of the BMJ -Q, Muhammed Zubair Khalifa also endorsed the views expressed by Moulavi Azhar Armar and sought members co-operation in strenghthening the Jamaat.
The function concluded with the dua of Moulavi Abdul Azeem Ruknuddin.

Report by: S.M.Syed Zakir, Correspondent bhatkallys.com