Ehaab Udyawar, from Bhatkal to NDTV

11:12AM Thu 11 Mar, 2021

Bhatkal: 11, March 2021 (Bhatkallys News Bureau) Ehaab Udyawar, son of the ex-president of Bhatkal Youth Federation Imtiyaz Udyawar, has placed his name in one of the most reputed news company in the country, NDTV as the News Desk associate. He graduated from Anjuman College with Bachelors's in Business Administration and Masters's in Communication and Journalism from Mumbai University wherein he went on to pursue Masters's in Sociology from New Delhi. When asked about his message to the youngsters, Ehaab said “The biggest enemy of Islam and is the ignorant Muslim one just cannot see the injustice and look the other way. It’s high time we a grow a spine and stand for righteousness regardless of religious differences, caste, and creed”. According to him, It is ignorance that has put this country in such a predicament. He also added, “Together let’s shred this veil of ignorance and work towards the eradication of hate with love and compassion to make our country an amicable and harmonious place for us and our offspring In sha Allah”. extends gratitude for his future endeavors.