Educating children should be a priority

11:20AM Fri 5 Apr, 2013

manki-ijlas-01Our children's moral upbringing is crucial responsibility of parents. Manki ( Bhatkallys News) : "Children are everyone's precious wealth, but it will be beneficial only if the parents give them proper training and guidance." This thought was expressed by the reporter of Khaleej Times and director of, Mr Muaz Shabandri Sahab in Al Hilal School's annual day function at Manki as the Special Guest of the function. On this occasion, while addressing the parents, he suggested that while raising kids we need to give them proof of honesty and the best of education, because, in the contemporary world an illiterate person is considered like a handicapped and they do not get proper respect. Parents should not make their children feel inferior but give them importance and should not belittle them by comparing them with others. Parents should never showcase their love towards children as every parent has affection towards children but on some occasions it does happen that our ignorance sometimes distances them from us and they give us less respect in return. On this occasion, while raising the spirit of children, he said that whatever children do we should appreciate that and instill confidence in them. If occasionally they err, we should not beat them up but adopt a strategy to create hatred for that mistake in their minds so that they start hating it and should themselves feel the urge to run away from it. In the end, he said that guardians should be a role model for them, and whatever things we tell them we should first implement it in our own lives otherwise children will not be inclined towards implementing them. On this occasion, Mr Abdur Rahman Siddiqui Sahab while mentioning about education and his importance, said that the biggest scholar in the world is our Prophet Muhammed (sallallaahu alaihi wa sallaam). Even after 1450 years, his sayings are proving true. If we learn the seerah of Prophet Muhammed (saws), then, whether we are teachers, students or in any other field, we will definitely find a role model in him (saws). The guest on this occasion, while mentioning about various facts, stressed the importance of education. On this occasion, Mr Mohiddin Abu Mukhtasar Sahab while addressing as the guest of honor said that we should develop an interest for education in children and instill confidence in them. He suggested the importance of respecting teachers and parents and serving them. Event began with Quran recitation of Abdul Mueez Abidah. After that, a student of the school Mueeza Ali Akbar Ahmed presided over the event. Al Hilal School's secretary, Mr Saleem Abidah Sahab gave the welcome speech and General Secretary, Mr Hasan Bapu Hasan Bapa Saheb presented the annual report of the school. The Head Master, Mr H M Mujawar Saheb's thank-you words concluded the event. manki-ijlas-07 manki-ijlas-06 manki-ijlas-05   manki-ijlas-03 manki-ijlas-02 manki-ijlas-04   Report/Photos : Rizwan Gangavali -