Dubai simplifies car registration renewal

03:51AM Thu 3 Mar, 2011

Federal Traffic and Licensing System to be linked to the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority in order to allow renewal of vehicle registration and driving licences across the country.
Abu Dhabi, Mar 3,2011 (GN): Drivers with vehicle registrations and licences issued from Dubai will be able to renew them in designated centres across the UAE.

The Ministry of Interior on Wednesday announced the implementation of linking the Federal Traffic and Licensing System to the Dubai Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) in order to renew vehicle registration and driving licences across the country.

Brigadier Gaith Hasan Al Za'abi, Director General for Traffic coordination in the ministry, said that the project aims to ease, simplify and quicken the renewing process.

Ahmad Behroozian, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Licensing Agency at the RTA, pointed out that other services will soon be linked to the federal system, which would make it easier for the public to complete their applications.

Colonel Anwar Abdullah Al Mulla, Director of IT and Communication Department in Abu Dhabi Police and Chairman of the Traffic System Integration committee, said this achievement is a result of the cooperation between the RTA and Ministry of Interior.

He added that a work team was set up last year to merge all traffic data to the federal system. He said this allows the public to complete their applications all across the UAE regardless of where their registrations and licences were issued from.

Lieutenant Mohammad Darwish Al Blouki, Director of the project and Analysis and Development branch, said after other online services are completed, the public will be able to benefit from e-services without having to visit the office from which their licence were issued, such as obtaining a replacement for lost or damaged driver licences, reserving and renewing number plates, among other services.