Dubai Municipality responds to Dettol soap rumours

04:55PM Tue 29 Aug, 2017

Dubai Municipality has issued an advisory regarding the contents and use of Dettol products, particularly the soap. The Consumer Products Safety Section calls upon consumers to be aware about the information provided in the news published on one of the channels about the harm caused by the use of trademarked products on the skin of the consumer that are scientifically unapproved and are not in compliance with Montaji database. The components used in personal care products are different from those used for household purposes and cleaning even if they are from the same brand. In addition to that, Dettol is a trade name for several products and not a chemical component with specific characteristics. It also confirms that all products are allowed to be traded after matching the results of the tests within the approved control procedures that guarantee the safety of the product and through the call systems with the competent authorities locally and internationally in this field. The Consumer Products Safety Section recommends the necessity of reporting and inquiring about the status of consumer products traded in Dubai through various means of communication and the need to read the usage instructions and other information on the product identification card.