Dubai Expo 2020 chairman welcomes World Expo delegates

04:32AM Mon 21 Oct, 2013

Dubai: An in-depth symposium presented to more than 250 representatives from 167 member nations of the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE), the international organisation that oversees World Expo, will be showcased from October 22 to October 24.
The conference concentrates around the Dubai Expo 2020 theme entitled “Connecting Minds, Creating the Future: Partnerships for Global Innovation and Sustainable Development”.
Shaikh Ahmad Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, President of Dubai Civil Aviation Authority, Chairman of Dubai Airports and Chairman and Chief Executive of Emirates Airline & Group, in his capacity as Chairman of the Higher Committee for the Dubai Expo 2020 bid, said, “ It is my hope that our guests enjoy their short stay with us and leave with an understanding of what a World Expo in Dubai and its legacy could mean, not only for Dubai and the UAE, but for all member nations of the BIE, the wider Menasa region and for future generations across the globe.”
Reem Al Hashimy, UAE Minister of State and Managing Director of the Dubai Expo 2020 bid, said, “The Theme Symposium represents a critical milestone in our bid to host the World Expo in 2020. It promises to be a highly engaging event with an opportunity not only to hear from our country’s leadership but to engage with local and international experts on the theme. We are confident that the programme we have put in place will bring to life the conversations we have had with delegates throughout the last two years of the bid and will underline the unique opportunities that only a World Expo in Dubai in 2020 can bring.”
The subthemes of Mobility, Sustainability and Opportunity represent the cross-cutting challenges and need to find solutions for sustainable development to drive future progress.
The convention will also allow the BIE representatives to witness and experience many unique advantages that the country offers as a potential host nation, including the country’s stability and safety, its open and dynamic economic environment, the readiness of its infrastructure and the overwhelming public support for the bid. The programme for the Theme Symposium includes morning conference sessions and interactive discussions on the theme with afternoon tours to highlight some of the UAE’s key assets and initiatives.
The tours, called “Learning Journeys”, give a greater understanding of the UAE’s culture and heritage as well as the country’s robust infrastructure, operational readiness and credibility in line with the subthemes.
The “Learning Journeys” include: the Burj Khalifa, DP World, Emirates Aviation Academy, the Shaikh Mohammad Centre for Cultural Understanding, Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilisation, Shaikh Zayed Mosque and Masdar City in Abu Dhabi.
Importantly, Expo Live, the 7-year programme of global collaboration and innovation, will also be showcased. Expo Live is an initiative to make Dubai Expo 2020 a source of innovation and partnership that will create a legacy of concrete solutions to some of the most defining challenges of our time in the areas of Mobility, Sustainability, Opportunity.
Two projects, D.Light and Pure Home Water, have already been supported by the Expo Partnership Fund of €100 million (Dh136.79 million)and will be presented at the Theme Symposium.
D.Light produces the world’s most affordable high-quality solar lantern, empowering more than 20 million lives already with a view to impacting 100 million lives by 2020. Pure Home Water uses innovative filtering technologies with simple clay pots to bring safe clean drinking water to communities across the developing world.
Dubai is competing against three other candidate cities in its bid to host the World Expo in 2020. The host nation will be announced on 27 November 2013 following a vote by the 167 member nations of the BIE. Gulf News b 516220443 2870683761